First check this out, it was my inspiration:
I was on WIC and TANF after I kicked my ex husband out. I worked my ass off to get off of TANF, but I was glad it was there as a safety net for me. And it hurt to be on it. I couldn't wait to get away from feeling like a bad parent because I couldn't provide for my child, even though everyone I knew said that TANF was set up for situations like mine.
What pissed me off was seeing the local ghetto mamas running around with the baby daddy hanging around. The mamas were getting all sorts of money even with the sperm donor in the picture. Because they weren't married she could say he wasn't around and the caseworker was so overloaded he/she couldn't really check out the situation thoroughly. And the baby daddy was most likely dealing drugs, or was a runner or lookout for the dealer and got a cut.
I've seen them rolling around in the Lexus, and from the dealer's license frame, I could tell they got the 10+ year car loan.There are all sorts of car dealers that will pull out all the stops as long as someone will co-sign for them.
I worked in a group home for adults with developmental disabilities and the house manager used the SSN of a client with a half-million dollar trust fund to co-sign for her new car. I thank The Powers That Be that she was finally caught, and question why it took so bloody long for it to happen.I've seen so much abuse of the system, it makes me ill to think of some of the things that I can recall.
I went to elementary school with a kid who used to come hang out with us because we "had food and we don't", according to him. He went hungry so the beast that spawned him could drive a Cadillac. I've seen kids walking to the same school this year eating dry ramen noodles. DRY RAMEN NOODLES, for crying out loud, breaking off a little piece and crunching as he walked. (You can always tell when they've been on sale.)
I try not to make snap judgments when I see food stamps or the card come out at the store. But when the people taking them out are decked out in "bling" and designer clothes - and I don't give a crap if they were purchased at Ross or Marshall's, it's abuse of the system and misuse of funds.
All the money should have to be accounted for. Receipts should be turned in to an auditing department or audited by caseworkers. People should be taught how to shop, and how to make choices that are going to stretch the money as far as it will go. How the hell do people who get handouts think the rest of us do it.
I know there are people on aid who genuinely need the help, and use it wisely. I also know, and have seen with my own eyes, the people who have the attitude that just because they produced crtochfruit, they deserve a handout. That makes my blood boil.
Latest from Germany
2 months ago
Well said sister!!! I am all for it when it is for someone who really needs it. I know all those folks don't need it. I just left Wal-Mart 20 mins ago and saw it once again! God dont get me started !!! Have a Great Week.
Ok, I'm with you on this. When my husband unexpectedly--literally overnight--lost his job several years ago, we had to use food stamps. Longest six months of our lives. Neither one of us wanted to go to the store and the first thing we did was go off of the as soon as he got another job, even though his wages sucked.
I don't know if you watch Reba, but there was an episode where she lost her job and she sent her daughter and son in law out to get jobs. They came back with armfuls of groceries. When she asked them if they got jobs, they said, "Better. We got food stamps! Because what you don't know about us: we're go getters!" LOL!
I completely agree. I, too, had to be on temporary assistance when my job was downsized and my fulltime position went from 40 hrs a week to 20 hrs a week. And then 4 months later I landed my current job.
There are way too many people out there abusing the system and mooching off the government. And those people piss the hell out of me!!
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