Tonight while we were at dinner, there was a "gentleman" sitting behind me talking. He wasn't speaking loudly, nor was he swearing. No, he was going on about how good he was at one of the things that raises my hackles. Drunk driving.
He was going on and on about how he had been out and had four glasses of wine, and then was offered a Bombay martini, so he couldn't say no to it, and then he drove home. -Oh, no he told his dinner mates he got home just fine. He doesn't like to do it, so he doesn't do it too often. And he said he would just tell whoever pulled him over it was a mistake to drive that way and he was sorry. Also where he lives isn't patrolled much so he usually gets home alright, as long as no one is in front of him.
It took everything I had in me not to turn around and tell him what an asshat I thought he was. How dare he play roulette with other people's lives like that. If something ever happened to my family because of a drunk driver, I don't honestly know what I would do. I HATE drunk drivers, and think they should get no leniency. Instead of talking to him, I told our server what he had been saying. She spoke to the manager, and she started looking at the ticket for that table and they were going to watch him closely to make sure he didn't leave smashed. If that happened, the restaurant could be held liable for any damage he caused.
To me, drunk drivers rank up there with child molesters and people who prey on the elderly. They should be dealt with harshly.
Latest from Germany
2 months ago
Absolutely. I was 16 when I was hit head on by a drunk driver.
Right there with you! And those that say, "My life, my decision"? I can't think of a more arrogant, selfish mindset. Oh, and a drunk driver with a kid in the car?! No mercy. None.
I agree. I HATE drunk drivers with a passion!!!! And others may think me cruel for saying this, but I am glad the drunk driver who hit me is dead. He got what he deserved.
Leslie, I don't think it's cruel at all. I think its the Universe's version of poetic justice.
Well, you know what they say...
Karma's a BITCH!
Amen, sister. Absolutely. I've lost too many friends and cleaned up too many strangers. And Officer Smith is right....Karma is a mother&*$%er.
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