To Congress in regards to the Wall Street/ Banking bailout fiasco:
Make the guys who ruined these companies give every "bonus" they were given back to the company. Take back every penny from their salaries and put it back into the pension funds that have been decimated. If the money isn't in their bank accounts, make them sell their multiple houses, sell the jewelry they've given their wives,(and mistresses), any large deposits made to their children's bank accounts and NEVER let them hold a position of power OR consult for ANY company on Wall Street or in banking.
Also, Republican "leaders": Pull your heads out of your butts and realize that we are in this mess because of a lack of oversight and deregulation. If you set the fox to guard the hen house inside the hen house, don't get your undies in a bunch when the eggs run low and pretend to care when your family goes hungry.
Latest from Germany
2 months ago
My sentiments, exactly! Well said.
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