Those two words will bring Smith running to my rescue. It doesn't matter if he's in bed, bathroom, or work. (Yes, several years ago, before he was with the PD, I called him and cried, "KILL IT!!!!", into the phone.) I can run out of a room shrieking, and don't have to say anything, Smith knows what to do.
He will bravely grab some tissues, or a shoe, and is off to do battle and save me from a nasty eight legged beast. Yes, when it comes to spiders I am a girly-girl. Especially after the bite that gave me 2 inch pitting edema on my foot and made it hard to walk because of the pain.
And I secretly love it when Smith saves me from them.
Latest from Germany
2 months ago
I react about the same way you do. I HATE spiders and completely lose my cool when I am confronted with one. I would rather deal with a raged man on PCP than deal with a spider. *shudder*
At least you have someone to kill them for you! I just yell for Kira and point at it. She then takes over - playing with it until she tires of it and then eats it. lol. She may not be my "knight in shining armor" but she does the job. :)
I too have yelled those words into the phone! Over a rat that skittered across our living room floor! And he came home--along with the recruit that was riding with him that night and with instructions from the sarg. to please use some other weapon than his duty gun so there would be no messy paperwork to fill out. I was mortified! Of course the awesome power of my shrieking had already sent the rat back through the hole and under the house. And the animals slept through the whole thing. Useless creatures!
I do the same thing. I can't bear the thought of trying to kill one and having it jump at me or try to retaliate in some way. eeeewwwwwww.
Glad he can take care of them for you, mine does the same thing. Thank goodness for our brave men. :)
Don't forget about the few you have dispatched yourself.
Like the one in the dishwasher the other day...
Go get 'em Killer...
Come see my pictures!!! :)
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