Why did the twit in the restaurant think that talking about her cyst "down there" was appropriate conversation? And not only did she yammer about it, she did so at a volume that could be heard by the diners at several tables around her's.
Why do the heaviest rotation of ads for medications for E.D.(limp d*ck syndrome), crotch funk, and constipation happen at dinner time? (Shame on us, we sometimes plop in front of the tube to eat).
Why does the kid who insists he doesn't have to use the toilet before we get into the car act like his bladder is going to explode 3 minutes after we drive away?
Why do my kids act like they are being raised in a barn, but when we are out they open doors for people, and I hear how polite they are?
I wonder if any of the crotch fruit I saw walking around on the 4th of July will ripen to maturity or just rot on the vine from the inanities they were spewing.
Moose made the comment that he "really needed to wear a helmet with a Mohawk, because (my) head isn't secure" as he rubbed the side of his head while he was roller skating.
Snake is developing a sense of humor, after claiming it was never going to happen. He's got a taste for the Britcoms and the typical 14 year old boy humor that runs rampant around here.
Moose had to deal with the death of not one, but two pet rats within two weeks of each other. Snake was a wonderful big brother and related how he felt when his first rat died. Luckily, one of the two original rats we got for the boys made it. My folks got Moose another rat, and her own cage set-up. We're hoping to move the two rats into the bigger cage soon, and are getting the two used to each other. (Both rats are female, and are the most darling little creatures you could imagine!)
It's been busy, and we're trying to keep our heads above the proverbial water. I hope all of you in Blogland are doing well, especially you Incognito - you've been in my thoughts.
Latest from Germany
2 months ago
You know, I just saw two guys with those mohawk helmets riding motorcycles here. I thought they looked a bit odd!!
Thanks for stopping by!!
LOL! Those ads are horrible, aren't they? I mean, really....we know where to get these products, can't we just do it quietly? You know, without all of the hoopla?
Ain't that the truth. Remember the ones that started "Mom, do you ever get that not so fresh feeling?". God, I wanted to vomit at that one, it was like "Mom, ya ever get crotch funk?"
LOL!!! Thanks, Mrs. Smith....I needed this good laugh this morning! ;)
I know what you mean about the ads. Enough already! I get tired of seeing ED commercials...I mean, come on people!!!!
Staying home today. Foot swelled up terribly during the night. Oozing blood out thru the bandages too. Okay. So maybe I overdid it a bit the last few days. I mean, do you know of anyone crazy enough to return to work less than 24 hours after having major surgery where it requires more than 20 staples to keep you together?!? Um, yeah....the crazy one would be me. hehe!!
Incog, in case your doc didn't tell you I will: STAY HOME FOR A WHILE.
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