Abortion has been safe and legal now for 36 years. I hope it stays that way. And I will do what I can to keep it legal, and women safe from back-alley abortions that could kill them. I believe it is the choice of that individual woman, her partner if she chooses, and her doctor. It is a difficult decision to make, and I will never hold a woman's choice against her.
And thank you President Obama, for lifting the global gag rule on family planning groups.
I will not tolerate attacks on me for my views. If you choose to post a response, I expect it to be civil.
Latest from Germany
2 months ago
no attacks from me! Hey we all are entitled to our beliefs and opinions!
I agree with the above commenter.
I am opinionated on certain views, as well, whether or not others agree with me or not. ;) I figure each person has come to their own conclusion on issues based on whatever experiences or values they have.
And that is what makes this country great. Diversity. :)
While I believe that life begins at the moment of conception--my 5 wk ultrasound showing a heartbeat no bigger than a grain of rice cemented *that* belief--I whole heartedly support a woman's legal right to chose what is best for her own body and soul.
While I don't personally believe that abortion is right, I can't and won't force someone else to believe the same as me.
I for one am for the education of women about abortion, pros and cons, and let them decide for themselves. It is utterly ridiculous that it is such a taboo subject.
I have my views too, but I agree that someone else's morality should not be used to infringe upon mine or anyone else's rights.
So we probably share the same views
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